A married couple seven months pregnant with Jozef, was then shot by the Nazi police?

Wiktoria, seven months pregnant with Jozef, was then shot by the Nazi police. Children began to scream at their murdered parents and the Nazis shot them all: Stanislawa age 8, Barbara age 7, Wladyslawa age 6, Franciszek, 4 Antoni, 3 Maria.

Pope Francis signed the decree recognizing their martyrdom at his 86th birth, and advancing 15 other causes of canonization, including the heroic virtues recognized by Matteo Ricci (a 17th-century Jesuit missionary from China).

Franz de Castro Holzwarth (a Brazilian lawyer) was also approved by the pope as an “offering to live.” He offered to take the place of a hostage in a prison riot.

He also recognized a miracle attributable to Venerable Jacinto vera, the first bishop in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Pope Francis confirmed 13 Servants for God’s heroic virtue in the Decree. These four Catholic priests and one other brother were made Venerable.

  • Father Aleksander Wozny (a diocesan priest from Poznan in Poland), was released in 1910 and placed in Buchenwald and Dachau concentration camps (1910-1983).
  • Father Ignacy Pozadzy, a priest who cofounded the Society of Christ in order to serve Polish migrants under communist rule (1898-1984),
  • Father Martin Benedict, Conventual Franciscan friar of Romania (1931-1986).
  • Father Ugo de Blasi was a diocesan priest, who served in Lecce (Italy) (1918-1982).
  • Jose Marcos Figueroa, Jesuit brother in Argentina (1865-1942).

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