Guns N’ Roses fan hit by microphone thrown by Axl Rose at concert?

A microphone that Guns N’ Roses singer Axl rose threw at Adelaide woman left her with blood all over her face.

After Tuesday’s incident at Adelaide Oval, on Tuesday night, the Adelaide Advertiser reported that Rebecca Howe had two black eyes as well as a bust-up nasal bridge.

Rose threw his microphone at the audience after the band’s final song, Take me Down To Paradise City. It made an impact on Ms. Howe however and caused her to bleed.

“I was in Diamond Standing,” Ms. Howe explained.

“He bows and then he launches the microphone out towards the crowd… And then bang, right at my bridge of the nose.”

Ms. Howe was hyperventilating and in shock while the microphone was being retrieved by another attendee.

After his last song “Paradise City”, Axl rose dragged the microphone into the crowd.

“My mind was going, ‘Oh My God, my face has caved in,” she exclaimed.

Although an off-duty officer of police helped Ms. Howe to move her to the other side of the crowd she says that the incident could’ve been fatal.

“What if it was only a few inches to my right or left?” I could have lost my eye… what about if it hit my mouth and broke me teeth?” she stated.

“If my head was turned and it struck me in the temple it could have killed. reached out for comment to a spokesperson for Guns N’ Roses.

Rose lashed out at an Australian fan trying to capture drone footage on the Gold Coast concert stage earlier in the week.

On stage, he stated that “To the anonymous Mr. Drone Flyer, you are a f-ingc-t.”

Later, he posted a long statement to Twitter.

Rebecca Howe was hit in the nose with the microphone.

“Had a few helicopters in this leg. The statement stated that last night (Gold Coast Australia), was “probably the most intrusive.”

“Was somewhat distracting as evidently someone thought it was okay to do that, and it being that close infront of the stage, then actually over on the podium.

According to the police, this happens more often than it used to be lately, particularly with sporting events.

Rose also requested that no drones be brought to future concerts.

He said, “We get that it can be fun to get your drone bootleg video but we would appreciate it if anyone intending to be a pirate drone took the fans and the band into account n’ played with w/ur toys anywhere else.”

While Guns N’Roses’ current tour of Australia and New Zealand ends on December 10, Guns n’ Roses has been announced as headliner for Adelaide’s BST Hyde Park concert.

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